Have you heard the story about the fight between the Black Wolf and the White Wolf? It was told by an Elder when talking to his grandson, Running Wolf, who admitted that he was consumed by revenge against another tribal ...
Here's some research as to how many Australians take more than 5 prescribed medicines based on general trends in polypharmacy from available data up until September 2021. The numbers are higher if we extrapolate to 2023 but what are the ...
Most of us are challenged in getting and staying healthy every day.Scientific studies are beginning to prove that we need more than a few vitamins, a smattering of minerals, 22 essential amino acids, some good fats and not too much ...
Here's an interesting article which is an insight into the absurdity of some medical treatments. The same could apply to treatments for rogue cell outgrowths too.See the story here:A summary: Lasers are one of the tools physicians can lean on ...
And What do Wild Foods + Nutritional Science Deliver? You might think you have a good grasp on health and nutrition since we are bombarded with stories from all directions. Try this quick quiz: We are told we need vitamin ...
Wild foods are rich sources of phytonutrients which might be from the chemical defense system of plants or compounds which we (or our gut bugs) make from them as we digest the defense chemicals turning them into nutrients. Phytonutrients are ...
The Backstory I was a Baby Boomer with below average health trying to overcome constant tiredness, gout attacks, being overweight and catching all the colds going around. It was just before Xmas 2004 when I had a gout attack swell ...
Karuah Activated Turmeric™ Have you seen our Karuah Activated Turmeric™ in the store as yet? It is a complementary product to the Holy Trinity to Health - I like to think of it as the 4th Musketeer. Together, they synergistically take ...
I follow Dr Jason Fung and his articles on Medium and his piece on calories is well worth reading. Really good information …. until the oversimplification of the problem of obesity in the last few paragraphs. Insulin is a part of the problem ...
This article on anti-ageing and life extension was prompted by what I consider to be a ridiculous concept of embracing a prescription pharmaceutical drug with its unwanted, undesirable effects which come with a few more benign 'benefits'. The author was ...
We do need to delve into a little biochemistry to learn that not all sugars are bad sugars.Our metabolic processes and especially our brain need glucose to function. Sometimes we even need to convert fat and proteins into glucose through ...
Wild foods and gout is a topic about which I am often asked. This probably reflects the growing incidence of gout which was once only a condition suffered by fat, old men who ate rich foods including red meats, shellfish, ...
Dietary Choices and Choices of DietsWhat is the best diet?We all know that the next new diet is probably in preparation as you read this and it will add to the plethora of diets we see promoted. These include celebrity ...
This post of mine is a reply to a story about changing the tastes we perceive as we eat and the work being done to see if changing what we taste can lead to healthier food choices.I posted this in the journal’s ...
Weight loss is a multi-million dollar business. It is a growing industry (if you’ll excuse the pun).As our food quality falls and we breed more produce that’s sweeter (from sucrose and fructose) or starchier, juicier, lower in fibre, more nutritionally ...
Interesting to see the mainstream press slowly cottoning on to the fact that fructose is a bad sugar in the same way as trans-fats and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol are bad fats. From my own research into sucrose and ...
A Fountain of Youth Ever thought about a Fountain of Youth and if anything we eat or do can be anti-ageing? We only have one life so why not make every day count and look at all possibilities? Each of ...
Here’s breaking news!!!Firstly, let me explain why this blog post might be of interest to you.I love cooking with wild foods. I use them in every meal I prepare myself and I choose to eat game meats such as roo ...
Why are we getting fat?It’s pretty clear that as a population, we in the developed world are losing the Battle of the Bulge. Despite promotion of whole foods, organics or healthy food choices; the marketing of food pyramids; go, grow, ...
I have often spoken about our instinctive taste drives but recently, while looking for a reference on this topic, I realized that I had not written about it.It appears that we have at least 4 biological taste drives that regulated ...