Some Bits and PiecesHere's a great article on longevity and living an awesome life by Eric Barker from Barking Up the Wrong Tree. He has an amazing turn of phrase and his metaphors are well worth stealing. agree with his ...

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Have you heard the story about the fight between the Black Wolf and the White Wolf? It was told by an Elder when talking to his grandson, Running Wolf, who admitted that he was consumed by revenge against another tribal ...

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Here's some research as to how many Australians take more than 5 prescribed medicines based on general trends in polypharmacy from available data up until September 2021. The numbers are higher if we extrapolate to 2023 but what are the ...

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This is the first of a more regular email I will be sending out to my subscribers under the banner of Health Talk.What has prompted me to do this is the sheer number of requests for more information of various ...

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The Magic Of Our MitochondriaLet me remind you of my description of phytonutrients because it helps our understanding of what follows:. There is also a video on my site here.Phytonutrients can be thought of as tiny super-heroes that we get from ...

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Are you a Health Hero. It's Transformational.Every day, do some exercise for physical health, work on your emotional health (strengthen your relationships), your mental health (creativity and inspiration), your spiritual health (gratitude and helping others) but most of all, top up your nutrition with wild foods.How to ...

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What does it really take to get and stay healthy?I introduced my last email with this:Every day, do some exercise for physical healthWork on your emotional health (strengthen your relationships)Your mental health (creativity and inspiration)Your spiritual health (gratitude and helping others) but most of allTop up your ...

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