Davidson plums, freeze dried
Davidson plums, freeze dried comes in two forms – freeze dried slices which include the seed and are perfect for infusing in boiled water or hot syrup (made with good sugars of course) and as a milled powder which is great for dusting over dishes where you want an acid crispness to feature.
Davidson plums, freeze dried comes in two forms – freeze dried slices which include the seed and are perfect for infusing in boiled water or hot syrup (made with good sugars of course) and as a milled powder which is great for dusting over dishes where you want an acid crispness to feature.
Davidson plums are more of a processing fruit than even a lemon although these days, have you noticed that lemons have been bred far less sour that decades ago? Lemons also seem to rot more quickly and while it has not been reported, I’d bet that the nutritional value is a tiny proportion of what it was ‘in the old days’ as well.
I was up in Yarrabah Aboriginal Community south of Cairns years ago and was being shown around the rainforest by a couple of locals – both 10 or 12 year old wild food experts. One disappeared into the undergrowth and emerged with a sneaky look on his face and a ripe, crimson Davidson plum in his hand while telling me to “Try this. It’s sweet.” Now I knew the fruits well having traded in them for years but I didn’t let on. I took a big bite (and suppressed the almost irresistible urge to screw up my face from the sourness) and making the right facial expressions, I said “Mmm. Yes. That is super-sweet.” And I waited. We all laughed and then went on with our foraging expedition. I was shown a heap of other wild foods and even got the chance to try the infamous finger cherry. But that is another story.