The Secret Australian Product that's Creating Growth & Prosperity
I discovered a long time ago that busting my back in a job for a boss who didn’t appreciate me was never going to give me the lifestyle I wanted. And the stress of working for myself in a traditional business was going to kill me if I didn’t find a better solution. Think about it. Without money, time and health you really don’t have a life.
There’s no doubt we are in some very tough economic times and your job is less certain today than ever. Mortgage rates might be low for now but what’s the interest on your credit card debt? And look at your superannuation – it’s probably back at 2008 values. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
You see, making money doesn’t have to be hard, you just need a unique and exceptional product that people value and look forward to buying every month; a good business and distribution model; a great support system; and a lucrative profit plan that brings in the money quickly and often. That’s what we want to share with you in this informative, 90 min presentation. If you just get one ‘gold nugget’ business idea from us it could very well change your life for the better – forever.
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
Do you:
• Battle to pay your bills on time?
• Work long hours for little reward?
• Want more time with your family and friends?
• Feel you just don’t have security in your job or business?
• Get sick of chasing customers for money?
• Want more energy and vitality?
• Struggle to maintain focus on those dozens of must-do tasks throughout the day?
• Wake up in fright at 3am because of money worries?
My name is Vic Cherikoff and I have been a Nutritional Scientist, Teaching Chef and Wild Foods Industry Pioneer for over 30 years. However, I learned of a business system that is easy to work part-time and that anyone can do and enjoy doing. I’d like to share this discovery with you and work with a select team of business people who are coachable, passionate, motivated and open to new ways of earning money by supporting their own team.
Together with my great friend and business colleague David Hall one of Australia’s leading business Mentors, we will reveal how everyday Australians can have a better lifestyle through developing their own unique style of business.
David and I have both been in conventional businesses and share a combined 57 years experience. We know all too well the pressures that each business day brings.
David runs 4 businesses with a total revenue stream of millions of dollars but he has the time and cash flow to help other business owners to do the same and achieve their ideal business life. Between us, we help many business owners recognize that their lives were slipping away and their day to day work (even when self-employed) demanded more from them every year with diminishing returns. They might have grown old with all the regrets of a life poorly planned if it were not for working with us to strategically direct them to their goals.
Other business owners we have helped run reasonably successful operations but just never made the kind of income that gave them loads of free time and the ability to maintain their health easily and stress-free. It was a full time focus for them and their quality of life suffered as a result. We changed that. So let us ask you:
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired in your current endeavour? If you are open to a side project (that won’t interfere with what you are doing now but could make a huge difference to your cash flow) this presentation is for you.
Really ask yourself:
Do you:
• Ever find too much month at the end of the money?
• Think that you are not getting paid your true worth?
• Feel that life is slipping past faster and faster each year?
• See that the economy is gouging your potential profits and lifestyle?
• Get tired of being screwed down on what’s already a fair price?
• Ever feel washed out and over it?
• Seem to get over-whelmed with so many mundane tasks?
• Wake up each morning wondering why you are doing what you do?
If you answered yes to any of the above, this special presentation is a must-attend. There’s no cost and no risk.
In summary, here’s some of what we’ll cover:
• How to work with us on a daily basis to achieve the life of your dreams
• Mental toughness and getting results in business and in life
• Live the life you choose, not what others choose for you
• Finding work that is rewarding both financially and emotionally
• The downside of living in your comfort zone
• A common pattern of two steps forward, one step back
• The reasons your health is challenged today
• Some lessons from the World’s longest living culture
• How the wild food industry can change your life for the better
• Getting as much or as little help you need to step into a highly profitable, part time business
All the very best and I hope to meet you and work with you for our mutual gain.
Vic Cherikoff.
P.S. Reserve your space NOW
We will be travelling through Northern NSW in November, so all you have to do is book a presentation:
Lismore: 18TH Nov Venue: To be advised on booking
Grafton: 17th Nov Venue: To be advised on booking
Email us on mailto:[email protected] and tell us which event you’ll attend. We’ll send you the venue details. Alternatively, call Vic on 0418 405 183 or David on 0425 245 009
P.P.S. Act now to change your future. You deserve a great life.