We have just re-designed our on-line store and welcome you in to browse around and tell us what you think.

It’s a cleaner look and easier navigation and we have streamlined our wholesale section for our larger pack sizes for chefs.

Please drop in and pick up something for Father’s Day or just because these are healthy, interesting foods. We recommend some Skews® to help Dad at the barbie or a selection of our seasonings. Our Skews® got a great write up in a US BBQ blog recently and BubbaQ was suitably impressed with our sticks.

We have a hefty discount on our Dining Downunder cookbook with Australian spices and seasonings at 33% off.

Or if you are shopping for yourself, why not also join our affiliate program? Even a short line in the signature on your emails can help earn you a commission on sales you refer to us. You help us spread the word on our remarkable wild foods and we pay you from 10 to 20% commission. Check out the details from the affiliate link here.

And please, use the Contact Us form to let us know of our service, how you found our products or if you had any problems and how we can help solve any issues.

Lastly, if you are wondering what to get as your first wild food experience, can I recommend our Wild fruit confits? These amazing fruit preserves are made by a slow process of ever-increasing levels of various sugars until we get the perfect balance of sweetness and tartness. Use these on or in desserts and cakes, they complement cheese platters beautifully or toss a tablespoonful into a stir-fry or salad.

Try a gremoulade made from Rainforest lime confit and chopped coriander for any meat. I added some to garnish a meal of slow baked turkey legs from Harris Farm just this week.

Whatever your taste or culinary creativity, we have the ideal taste of Australia so may I invite you to visit us soon?

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