Accompanying the popular Australian TV series, Dining Downunder, The Dining Downunder Cookbook is a journey of three chefs across Australia, cooking with indigenous ingredients and sharing their passion of an authentic Australian cuisine.

With recipes and stories from the show, chefs Vic Cherikoff, Benjamin Christie and Mark McCluskey crank up the barbeque off the back of a boat in a sheltered bay in Sydney Harbour, travel to the valleys of the Blue Mountains in NSW, drop in to Margaret River over in our far west or see what Australian ginger is all about up in the Queensland hinterland. The culinary delights of Australia are probably endless.

In addition to Cherikoff’s introduction to the Australian native food industry which he pioneered and it’s Aboriginal origins, the book features a foreword by Australian entrepreneur, Dick Smith, the face behind Dick Smith Foods, which uses native foods in a growing number of their all-Australian products.

Australian native fruits, seeds, nuts, herbs, spices, essential oils and products made from them, are emerging as a trend in the global marketplace. Together, they make a uniquely Australian cuisine possible with flavours that reflect their geographic origins of deep rainforests, outback deserts, coastal woodlands and alpine valleys.

With over ninety beautifully photographed recipes from the show, The Dining Downunder Cookbook provides a visual feast for the senses and includes detailed descriptions on how to use the many native ingredients including wattleseed, Lemon Myrtle Sprinkle, Alpine pepper, paperbark, lemon aspen juice and glacé riberries. Also featured are recipes from the restaurants the chefs visit.

Those who frequently entertain at home or are gourmet enthusiasts will find The Dining Downunder Cookbook a must and will appreciate the easy to follow recipes and informative guides, including the secrets of an Australian barbeque.

Discover the functional (nutritional, antimicrobial, culinary or cosmetic) uses of the wild resources of the world's longest living culture.

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