Pancake Ingredients

150g flour
1 Eeg
pinch salt
500-600ml milk
¼ tspn bicarbonate of soda
1 tbspn Lemon Myrtle Sprinkle, or Lemon aspen juice


· Make up the batter adding the milk gradually to achieve the consistency required and allow to stand for 20 minutes.
· Adjust the consistency and fry the pancakes to the desired thickness.

Pork Kassler Ingredients

small lemon myrtle pancakes
150g smoked pork Kassler julienne (no fat)
4 small spring onions julienne
50g crispy bacon rind julienne
50mls Lemon ironwood syrup
50g sour cream or marscapone


· Panfry onions and Kassler until just sweated off.
· Arrange in layers with pancakes to form a stack.
· Serve with marscapone and crispy bacon rind on top and drizzle with lemon ironwood syrup.

With the compliments of Graham Terry, Executive Chef Harbord Diggers Memorial Club.

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