“HSN Cooks!” – so went the PR.
“The Event is a 14-hour programming special on March 2 featuring tips, tools and advice provided in a fun and informative fashion from some of HSN’s top celebrity chefs. These culinary experts will present a vast array of quality kitchen and food products ranging from Todd English’s GreenPan cookware and bakeware to kitchen solutions and grilling products from Michelle Bernstein-Martinez, Cat Cora and Australian celebrity chef, Vic Cherikoff.”
A one page ad about this event ran in Gourmet Magazine. Pictured are Emeril, Wolfgang Puck and Gordon Ramsay, so we should be guaranteed a strong viewing audience.
I cooked with my new BBQ Hot Sheets which were being distributed in the US under my licensed Vic Cherikoff Down Under range.
A funny thing happened during the shoot: You might know that I have a pet peeve about the way some people use aluminium foil and cook using it in close contact with food. See this article for more on this. Anyway. I mentioned that the Hot Sheet was a perfect way to avoid poisoning yourself with foil. The presenter paled some and cut me off. She then raved on and on about the Hot Sheets and didn’t allow me to say another word. Only when the segment finished and I went back into the preparation area did I see that the next segment was some fool ‘chef’ promoting their book on ‘cooking in aluminum foil’. I’ll wait and see if a class action hits the courtrooms across the USA over this product. Foil IS a great moisture barrier BUT it should NEVER be allowed to contact food that you intend to eat.